Features methodological tools of analysis of the financial condition of small businesses

  • Konvisarova E.V.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Department of economics
    Vladivostok. Russia
    PhD (Economic Sciences), Professor

  • Semenova A.A.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The quality of the selected financial condition analysis technique significantly influences the management of the organization and processes of the company survival, as well as on the management decisions by external users of economic information. This choice is particularly justified in the article for small businesses. The aim is to study methodological tools for the analysis of the financial condition of small businesses, taking into account the specifics of trade. The study was conducted in several stages. First there were grouped and summarized the approaches of domestic and foreign authors in the assessment of the financial condition of large organizations. Revealed maximalist and minimalist versions of the assessment. One of the interim conclusion was irrational use of small organizations such methods due to the low information capacity of their reporting, excessive labor-intensive analysis by methods designed for large organizations, the specificity of the economic activity of small enterprises of different industries. The next step was a comparative analysis of the few methods for the analysis of the financial condition of small businesses. approaches and methodological tools, revealed their advantages and disadvantages were analyzed. Reasonable use for the analysis of the financial condition of small businesses coefficient method with a set of liquidity, financial stability, profitability, business activity, as well as application in the analysis for comparison is not generally established standards and threshold values of the industry average. An example of using the selected methodological tools in the analysis based on statistical data of small trade organizations allowed to specify the composition of indicators, taking into account the identified features.

Keywords: analysis, evaluation, financial condition, methodical analysis tools, small businesses, small commercial enterprises.